Sunday, June 27, 2010

we all have a mean streak...

I have always considered myself to be a nice person. I was raised to be well mannered and respectful. Never the person to pick on others in school or put people down, I have no tolerance for bullying. It sickens me that people can be so mean. Many make New Year's resolutions to be a better person...or vow to be nicer to people after a good church sermon. Well I can only speak for myself, but New Year's resolutions only last about a couple of weeks and inspiring church sermons only stick for a couple of days. That really saddens me to admit, but it's the truth. So while we may be kind to family, friends, and others we come in contact's so easy to be mean to strangers that we see walking around wherever we may go. The people that we will most likely never encounter as we go about our daily routines.

For instance, today I was in the car waiting for my dad to come out of a convenience store. A girl walked in front of the car and was like word vomit. "What the heck is she wearing?" I said aloud. It took me all of 2 seconds to look at her and put down her style. Oh, but I didn't stop there of course. "No she does not have a brown purse with her black outfit," I spit out. (in my defense, we all know that is a huge fashion DON'T people) "MONICA," my mother scolded from the backseat. "I know, I'm so mean. I need to stop...Wait, what kind of shoes is she wearing?" I threw in. Now this is not a one time offense. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I do this daily.

However, I still believe that I am a good person. Is what I do wrong? Absolutely!! But, we all have a mean streak. Don't act like you don't. Some people just have a larger one and use it more often. As much as we'd like to be perfect and polite creatures, we judge people. So, I am going to try and stop being so judgemental. Having rude thoughts about strangers is just as bad as going up to them and telling them what you're thinking. It's going to be hard, but I need to use my mean streak carefully and I advise you to do the same. This world would be a better place if there were nicer people in it!


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